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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Internships are very important as they give us practical knowledge and experience, and these are the first things you are asked about in an interview. You can learn your curriculum and study and get good grades, but they will ask about your experience.

Katya Lohani

  • Graduate stories
I can work with the latest technologies and keep upskilling myself. I also enjoy those “Yass” moments whenever I find a solution to a problem or when my code is running.

Kay Hoang

  • Graduate stories
My most memorable moment so far is the company induction. All new starters go through a process in which they have a chance to meet and chat with our CEO as well as hear from all the executives about how passionate they are about what they do.

Kayal Manamohan

  • Day in the life

Keita Richardson

Keita Richardson studied a Bachelor of Science (Physics and Chemistry) at the University of Sydney and is now a Graduate at ANSTO.
  • Graduate stories
Within the program I was also able to work in many different levels of the organisation, with roles in client account teams, service delivery teams, as well as regional strategy and operations, and technology teams.

Kelly Chan

  • Graduate stories
"Kalau dari pengalamanku bekerja di Flip.id ini sangat jarang menuntut kita untuk bekerja sampai larut malam, jadi sangat work-life balanced"

Kemal Ardiansyah

  • Graduate stories
As cliché as it is, the thing I enjoy most about my role is being able to be exposed to all the different teams and the value they provide to the project.

Kenneth Wong

  • Graduate stories
There are many benefits to the program but my core takeaway would be the global network. Having recently graduate from my program, I travel abroad often, and there is rarely a city in the world that I do not have close friends that I met on the program.

Keppell Smith