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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

Showing 661 items

  • Graduate stories
I’m really enjoying the opportunities that DXC provides for both personal and career development.

Kerryn Barnard

  • Graduate stories
Help/fix/build something/someone, it’s a lot easier to share authentically about an experience where you’ve tried to “get your hands dirty”.

Kevin Nguyen

  • Graduate stories
"Bekerja di DANA bisa membuatku untuk menjaga work-life balance"

Kezia Auradiva

  • Graduate stories
Despite my background being in engineering, I chose to go into consulting because I wanted a role that really gave me the opportunity to interact with and learn from others.

Kimberley Hilton

  • Graduate stories
One thing I value highly about working in IT at Canstar is that right from the beginning graduates are treated as full members of the team.

Kimberley Manning

  • Graduate stories
All graduates add value even if you feel you don’t know as much as everyone else. Don’t doubt yourself, we all start from different levels of experience.


  • Graduate stories
There are a lot of things I enjoy about my job, the simplest being, I enjoy having the chance to learn what is involved in a real-world full-time job and getting the opportunity to do so straight out of university.

Kristian Barnes

  • Day in the life

Kristie Hui

Kristie Hui studied a Bachelor of Information Technology, majoring in Software Development and is a Software Engineering Graduate at nbn.