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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Liam Creagh

I try to get some physical activity in, at least every second day. Usually consists of rock climbing, playing field hockey or a simple walk.
  • Graduate stories
I have faced many challenges throughout my time in the graduate program and in my current role, some of which have also become blessings.

Liam Creagh

  • Graduate stories
Push yourself outside of your box whenever you can and you will always come out of the situation having grown as a person.

Liam Dobson

  • Day in the life

Liam Elliott

Something cool about this role is that there is always something new happening or to learn about, so no day has ever felt the same since I have started, and as long as you are completing the jobs that are assigned to you, you can use the extra time to build on yourself.
  • Graduate stories
I work closely with the wider Digital Experience sales organisation to support our customers across the retail, tourism, and hospitality verticals ensuring that we maintain a high level of customer satisfaction which ultimately leads to customer retention.

Liam Power

  • Graduate stories
I'm constantly learning new concepts and technologies, and getting my first chance to do real projects.

Liang Zhao

  • Career Mentors
Failure isn’t failure if you learn something from it – then it becomes a stepping stone. People don't like to talk about bad times so it's hard to know, but more ‘successful people’ than you may realise bombed at something else before they started succeeding.

Lillian Zhou

  • Day in the life

Lily Cheng

Lily Cheng graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (Commerce) from The University of Sydney, and is now a Mergers and Acquisitions Consultant at PwC.