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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Luke Fowler

Last week I was in South Australia testing a customer software feature. It was a great trip with wonderful weather, fantastic views and most importantly a successful network test!
  • Graduate stories
The culture of learning has given me the opportunity to engage in projects that challenge me on a technical and personal level and has allowed me to interact with people and processes across a global landscape.

Luke Millstead

  • Graduate stories
Honestly, it's so rewarding to see someone use what you've made in weird ways. It's more rewarding when they don't break it though, and you somehow manage to cater for every weird usecase. It's problem-solving at its core.

Luke Te Hira

  • Graduate stories
Being in a diverse workplace allows for more ideas, increased creativity, and processes.

Ma. Ariane Janell Sager

  • Day in the life

Ma. Rocela Rosecha D. Avendano

Ma. Rocela Rosecha D. Avendano is an HR Intern at Stratpoint Global Outsourcing Inc.
  • Day in the life

Madelaine Ford

About once a week I join a Zoom call with other Mastercard employees across the world to learn about certain products and update or develop my skill set.
  • Graduate stories
This program has really helped in allowing me to try many different things to find the skills that I enjoy and can utilise anywhere.

Madeline Powell

  • Day in the life

Madhvi Laxman

Madhvi Laxman studied Bachelors in Science, Major -Information Science, Minor – Management and is now a D365 Functional consultant at Datacom.