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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
What I love most about my job is the challenge it provides. Errors occur daily, or troubleshooting and debugging are required to find where things have gone wrong. This provides a challenge of determining how things are working within a code base - and finding which behaviours are expected!

Madison Beare

  • Graduate stories
I like knowing that the work I do has a real impact on the company and our clients.

Mae-Ann Soh

  • Graduate stories
Being part of a team that is essential to the business is always a nice feeling, but also an added pressure to get it right. However, with this comes the collaborative nature and interacting with different teams on the regular, which is something I find interesting.

Malith Hewage

  • Graduate stories
"Aku belajar banyak hal di Sociolla, especially dalam Digital Marketing. Aku juga dilibatkan dalam banyak kegiatan juga "

Mardah Pristy Andriyani

  • Graduate stories
"Aku merasa excited banget, karena bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan di salah satu e-commerce yang suasana kerjanya fun dan fleksibel "

Maria Audrey

  • Day in the life

Mariam Shahid

Mariam is studying a Masters of Software Engineering at the University of Melbourne and is now a graduate at REA Group.
  • Day in the life

Marie Julliene Solidum

One of my tasks as an EPC/CPQ Configurator is to troubleshoot defects raised by the testing team. They are usually discussed in WhatsApp so it’s important that I read everything that I can regarding the defect so I could be prepared for my first meeting.
  • Graduate stories
I joined the program in February 2021, I spent 8 months including rotations before graduating as an Associate Developer – I’m still here and loving it!

Mario Sinovcic