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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Mario Sinovcic

Mario Sinovcic graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Software (First Class Honours) from the University of Auckland and is now a Protégé Developer at MYOB.
  • Graduate stories
I enjoy the most is answering email inquiries and requests, even if it’s a bit tiring, I always extend help to my stakeholders.

Mark J. Despabiladeras

  • Graduate stories
Our CEO recently gave a talk where he said the phrase “I don’t want a team of know-it-alls, I want a team of learn-it-alls”, which I think sums up what being a developer is all about.

Mark Janssen-Vooles

  • Graduate stories
The program is exceptional in the training and experience it provides. It sets you up for a great future, no matter what that looks like for the individual.

Mark Kelly

  • Day in the life

Mark Kirpichnikov

Every day is different, and it’s often something new. A mix of working on customer support cases, project work for the betterment of Technical Services employees and customer experience, and more.
  • Graduate stories
Taking real customer feedback and product improvement ideas and feeding them straight to the Product Team, for the feedback to be heard! The Product Teams are super responsive to feedback, and seeing ideas actually make it into the product is super cool.

Mark Kirpichnikov

  • Graduate stories
Being a Graduate at Vodafone within my Team has provided me with the resources I need to help develop my skills in Technology as well as be part of a Team that makes a difference and touches the lives of so many people.

Massimo Rinaldi

  • Day in the life

Mathew Vo

Mathew Vo is an Infrastructure Engineer in Observability at Canva.