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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

Showing 661 items

  • Graduate stories
The coolest thing about my job is the team that I get to work with! The Storage Engines team is a globally distributed and diverse group of individuals, and everyone is very open to sharing their experiences.

Monica Ng

  • Day in the life

Monique Angel Datang

Step into my world as a University Training Program Graduate on the night shift! Today, I'm taking you along on my exciting on-site journey at Emerson Manila. Buckle up!
  • Graduate stories
I'm loving the division I'm working in and as a global organisation, there are so many opportunities. I can see myself here for a while – Macquarie supports us to shape our own career path, which could really take me anywhere!

Monique Bishop

  • Student Stories
I would suggest that the first thing to do is to create a good résumé by clearly mentioning one’s skill set, achievements, and any projects one may have worked on.

Moomal Majee

  • Graduate stories
If you've got an idea and want to pursue an opportunity, say it, do it.  It doesn't matter if it's wrong, that's how you learn and grow.

Moses Fruean

  • Graduate stories
“Bangun pernosal branding di sosial media, baik dari organization experience maupun internship experience. Sehingga orang lain melihat kita sebagai orang yang memiliki value.”

Muhammad Alfaridzi

  • Graduate stories
"Tidak ada yang tidak mungkin jika kita ingin bersungguh-sungguh dan berusaha, semua ada jalanya. memang penuh rintangan namun ketika kau menjalaninya yakinlah ada yang menantimu di ujung jalan"

Muhammad Arham

  • Graduate stories
"Sejak internship si Sayurbox aku jadi lebih baik dalam me-manage waktu"

Muhammad Garebaldhie