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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life


Nina studied Bachelor of Science majoring in Data Science at Curtin University and is now a graduate product analyst at Atlassian.
  • Graduate stories
"Tiap pekan disini juga biasa diadakan training self development atau sharing bersama tim lain sebagai refreshment untuk setiap karyawan yang menurutku ini salah satu hal yang kusukai "

Nofath Zukhrufi

  • Graduate stories
I am one of the consulting analysts. We provide on-site services to clients for a 6-month period in the visualisation, design or analysis of their data.

Nora-ann Weststrate

  • Graduate stories
“Di Quipper kami hanya kerja dari hari Senin-Kamis. Di hari Jumat, kantor mendedikasikan kepada kami untuk menjadi hari belajar tujuannya untuk meningkatkan skill baru”

Nurdela Ardiansyah

  • Day in the life

Obi Mbakwe

Obi Mbakwe studied a Bachelor of Commerce (Liberal Studies) at The University of Sydney in 2018 and is an analyst in Institutional Client Business at BlackRock.
  • Graduate stories
One of the best aspects of my job is that, due to the small size of the LocalMaps team, I've been involved in various stages of development and discussions from the beginning.

Olivia Clark

  • Graduate stories
Along with my R&D program coordination responsibilities, my role also gives me the opportunity to play with all the latest and greatest tech gadgets.

Olivia Ward

  • Day in the life

Omar Hirey

Depending on the project you’re in you will start to utilize different software tools to build ad implement features within a user story. If I get stuck on a task, I can easily turn to one of the senior consultants in my team for help.