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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

Showing 41 items

  • Day in the life

Liam Elliott

Something cool about this role is that there is always something new happening or to learn about, so no day has ever felt the same since I have started, and as long as you are completing the jobs that are assigned to you, you can use the extra time to build on yourself.
  • Graduate stories
Stats NZ has been a place that has opened my eyes to the public sector, data and how it affects different communities, the power of my lived experience and my voice as a young Pacific person.

Louis Magalogo

  • Graduate stories
My favorite part of my job is using my creativity to design visually appealing applications, using data we have created or that has been supplied to us.

Louis Worthington

  • Graduate stories
The formal and informal support systems at Duncan Cotterill ensure that every clerk feels valued and comfortable throughout the whole summer.

Lynna Deng

  • Graduate stories
In the Tax team we have people who all have very different degrees and backgrounds! Some people have accounting degrees where many others in the team have science degrees or law degrees.

Maia Winiana

  • Graduate stories
When you find an organisation with a culture that resonates with your own values, that’s a special thing.

Matt Copland

  • Day in the life

Nathan Wisse

Project management is a dynamic job where no two days are the same. Balancing multiple projects, liaising with clients, and ensuring everything runs smoothly requires flexibility, quick problem-solving, and effective communication.
  • Graduate stories
I love my job because of the awesome workplace culture and strong support system that has been built up around me. Deloitte people care about one another from a work life and personal perspective

Neve Williams