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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
It’s fun to be working in the environment and sustainability field, especially in the transport sector, as this is an industry where we can make a real difference in regards to New Zealand’s carbon emissions.

Alex Loo

  • Graduate stories
The interesting nature of the work definitely outweighs any limitations!

Amelia McLuskie

  • Graduate stories
I love being surrounded by such an enthusiastic team who are motivated to make change in the transport system, and this inspires me every day to keep advocating for change.

Breanna Greaney

  • Graduate stories
Given the end result of a deal can be life-changing financially for our clients, it is incredibly rewarding to help contribute towards that end goal, where they are able to realise the value of the result of years of their sacrifices, investment and hard work!

Chris Wakefield

  • Graduate stories
I think that everyone’s personal background brings a diversity of thought to a profession where people are constantly collaborating and bouncing ideas off one another.

Jack Whittam

  • Graduate stories
To me what I love most about my job is when I have a problem, and work to find a couple of solutions and provide a good mini presentation to the reviewer/mentor/superior about what I think is correct.

Josh Buckley

  • Graduate stories
My favourite thing about Powerco is the people. Having good relationships with people across the business has been great for me.

Joshua Van Rynbach