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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Max Graham

Max Graham studied a Bachelor of Computer and Information Science, majored in Software Development and Data Science, and is a digital transformation specialist at Fisher & Paykel Appliances.
  • Career Mentors
It’s important to think strategically about the long-term direction of the business – for example, who should our main customers be? What training do we need to ensure that my team stay relevant?

Mel Barber

  • Graduate stories
I have always been passionate about animals and nature, so during my studies, I chose to work within these areas, including at a pet store and an animal hotel.

Michaela Zaugg

  • Graduate stories
The coolest thing about my job is the autonomy I have. Even as an intern I have control over my daily schedule. I can choose if I’m working at the office or from home. I can choose what tasks I prioritise and control the flow of my work.

Mitchell Diggs

  • Graduate stories
I think anything is possible! I also believe if you want something bad enough, and put your mind to it, you can achieve anything.

Monique Pace

  • Graduate stories
That you are actually making a positive impact on this planet, and the positive response you receive. When you implement a circular solution or cut down emissions by xx tonnes, you feel like you are on top of the world.

Nea Steiner Stroemgren

  • Graduate stories
Don’t be afraid of a challenge, take it as an opportunity to grow. If you make a mistake, it is not the end of the world. Acknowledge and learn from it to improve yourself for the future.

Nicholas Chin

  • Graduate stories
Be yourself and be true to yourself.

Nikora Hemana