Role: doing data "cleaning" - the maintenance data we receive is often incomplete or incorrect. I would analyse each record line by line to categorise before any further analysis can be done. Automation tasks - taking existing workflows or processes and making them faster or easier using code to do the heavy lifting.
Intern, Brisbane - 18 Dec 2018
Worked in the Engineering Change Proposal team, where we would work on implementing suggested design changes from Europe to the Australian fleet. Mostly project management related tasks - I would request input from various other departments in the process of justifying and documenting the design change. I rarely made my own engineering judgement on technical issues, since it was usually already done in documents we received. The more challenging aspect was determining approval requirements based on regulations and the classification of the change and subsequently referencing the appropriate documentation.
Intern, Brisbane - 17 Dec 2018
Work experience engineer. I assisted with tasks assigned to the engineer that was supervising me. This consisted of research, developing documents and reports, and gathering information.
Intern, Brisbane - 14 Dec 2018
Developing engineering solutions to maintain the airworthiness of ADF aircraft.
Graduate, Brisbane - 14 Dec 2018
A mixture of in-service support and larger design work
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Dec 2018
Role includes providing day to day engineering services to support the fleet including task and stakeholder management.
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Dec 2018
Development of low-priority support engineering tasks. Assisting team members with workload.
Intern, Brisbane - 10 Dec 2018
I maintain the hazard log, provide airworthiness/safety assessments for any incidents that may occur, as well as for design changes
Graduate, Brisbane - 10 Dec 2018