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Mason Jones

Tax Consultant at BDO New Zealand

I started off finishing up a few tax returns and financial statements for a small group of companies.

6.00 AM

Wake up, walk straight to the Gym. This is only a 3-minute walk and a great way to start the day, especially in the summer months when it’s actually light outside and not too cold. Pretty windy today though! 

7.20 AM

Breakfast of champions – Gotta refuel after that session ready for a big day on the tools!

8.10 AM

Into the office – ready to log on, check my emails and get stuck into what’s needed today. 

I started off finishing up a few tax returns and financial statements for a small group of companies. 

I then had a social committee meeting to catch up with the team about the firm Christmas party which is happening this weekend. Just smoothing out the plans for the evening and finalising the last-minute details. 

12.30 PM

Lunch (no photo). Head into the kitchen to heat up my food and catch up with some colleagues. 

After lunch it’s time to get back into it.

As it’s November, I have a few provisional tax notices to get out to clients with June balances dates, so I moved onto calculating those and preparing a few emails for my managers to review.

3.00 PM

Little snack to keep me going. 

Also had a few handovers today to keep me busy with a few more returns to start on for the week. 

Another role of mine is to prepare the payrolls for a few clients. So, this afternoon I quickly whipped through that to round off the work day.

5.20 PM

Knock off – time for a nice stroll home throughout Welly. The great thing about living in Welly is how close everything is together, only takes me about 30 minutes to walk home, or a 15-20 minute bus ride. 

6.20 PM

After a quick banana and sit down at home, I head back to the gym to get in 30 mins of cardio on the bike and a bit of stretching. 

7.30 PM

After I’ve cleaned myself up, it’s time to whip up a meal for the flat. Tonight’s dish is some crumbed schnitzel, roast potatoes and carrots, broccoli and some frozen peas. I whipped this up while the rest of the flat was playing a bit of OG Fortnite. Big shout out to mum and dad for supplying the beef. 

8.50 PM

Once I’ve eaten and caught up with the flatties, it’s time to get ready for bed and ready to do it all again

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