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BP Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Anthea Tsaousis

Category Lead 2GO & Restaurant at BP Australia

Bachelor of Commerce at University of Melbourne

I sit within the Retail Convenience Trading – the team that buys everything you see inside our retail stores.

5.30 AM

The alarm goes off to the tune of Dean Martin’s rendition of Volare so I can pretend that I am waking up in Italy. After quickly realizing I am in my humble Melbourne surroundings, it’s a quick brush of my teeth and change into my yoga gear to head to my 6.00 AM Vinyasa class.

BP Graduate Anthea Tsaousis coffee

5.50 AM

It’s a quick skull of a cup of hot turmeric & ginger tea as soon as I arrive at yoga to formally wake up from my slumber and zone into the next 60 minutes of class.

BP Graduate Anthea Tsaousis yoga

7.10 AM

Arrive home and sprint to the shower. I get ready whilst listening to ABC radio to stay in touch with the news. Once the armor is on for the day, it’s a quick piccolo before heading out the door & walking to the station.

7.54 AM

The train ride commute begins. In all millennial glory, I skid between all the socials and absorb the content of my friends and foodie influencers.

8.45 AM

Arrive at work, set up the computer and eagerly head to our barista machine with my fellow coffee addicts to make myself a second piccolo. It’s really only after this coffee that I can embrace the day.


9.00 AM

Double-check the calendar for the day and catch up on emails.

9.30 AM

Most likely the first meeting of many meetings in the day begins. Either a meeting with a food supplier or with the team – covering all topics from new products, pricing, upcoming promotions and product placement. I sit within the Retail Convenience Trading – the team that buys everything you see inside our retail stores. So our days are filled with meetings with suppliers or within our teams to continually optimize our offer and grow sales.

12.00 PM

Lunch with my fellow Grads or ex-Grads. If I’m lucky, I’ll be devouring homemade leftovers from the night before. But if it’s “one of those days”, I’ll be vacantly munching on Tuna on toast … with serious food envy.

BP Graduate Anthea Tsaousis bread

1.00 PM

Sitting in the Food & Coffee team, more likely than not, some product verification will take place in the afternoon. If I’m lucky, I will be tasting and critiquing something sweet and curing my post-lunch sugar craving. I promise this Is serious work (and extremely fun, just not for the waistline …). Sometimes these products fit in with our strategy and NPD pipeline, other times, it’s tasting them purely to provide supplier feedback. If we like it, this will kick off a whole journey of product iteration, cooking program verification, shelf-life testing and commercial decisions relating to price, store ranging, forecasting and promotional support.

BP Graduate Anthea Tsaousis shop

3.00 PM

It’s time for my 3rd piccolo. Yes, I drink 3 coffees in a day. Totally normal. Totally healthy.


4.30 PM

Head back to the desk to see what email traffic has erupted throughout the course of the day and respond to urgent emails.

6.00 PM

The train ride home. If I’m lucky, I’ll get a seat and can read either a sappy romance or suspense thriller on my Kindle. It will either be a sappy romance or a suspense thriller.

7.30 PM

Sitting down to eat a delicious homecooked meal with my family.

8.30 PM

Unashamedly watching trash reality TV, along the lines of MAFS, Love is Blind or Love Island. Truly the perfect detox for a busy day!

10.00 PM

My bed is calling my name. Night!