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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Salary at Cardno

5.8 rating for Salary, based on 21 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
I believe we are underpaid for work. however we do receive great learning
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Sep 2020
They are typical of my level
Graduate, brisbane - 17 Sep 2020
The base pay is lower than the average compared to other companies in Melbourne. However last year my salary increase was substantial. The company however doesn't offer any bonuses.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Sep 2020
Salary seems on par with industry standard for my position, no bonus.
Graduate, Sydney - 17 Sep 2020
I think bonuses should be awarded to PMs that are able to deliver large projects well under budget, or high level performers in all roles of the company.
Graduate, Brisbane - 17 Sep 2020
Good pay for a grad - happy with that, would like to progress soon
Graduate, Newcastle - 17 Sep 2020
Wanting to discuss in PDP
Graduate, Perth - 17 Sep 2020
Starting salary was good, but the salary review I undertook was a very marginal increase, less than average inflation rate so that was annoying. Not sure when the next review is and would like to be paid according to my level of experience and market rate.
Graduate, Brisbane - 17 Sep 2020
Hours don't match the pay
Midlevel, Melbourne - 17 Sep 2020
Industry average
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Aug 2020
It's a great starting position
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Aug 2020
The company offers great pay for a graduate position as well as providing some great benefits.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2020
Can definitely be improved. My starting pay was below market level and after almost 3 years I have not received a raise. The annual raise received matches the annual inflation rate and I am still well below the market compensation levels for an engineer of my level.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2020
I haven't worked long enough to get my head around what kind of pay I should/shouldn't have and what kind of bonuses I can seek. To me, when I accepted the job I really did not care how much I got paid, rather it was knowing I had a secure job and opportunity to develop. I do think that for a graduate I get paid just above the average...I think.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Aug 2020
I don't believe the base pay to be satisfactory for graduates. We don't receive bonuses
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2020
Bonuses don't exist as far as I know. With pay the company has a tendency not to reward high performing employees unless they ask for a rise.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 05 Aug 2020
working for a larger company can make it difficult to get pay rises when deserved and as part of a larger corporation the pay is typically below average for similar roles
Midlevel, Wollongong - 05 Aug 2020
Pay is fairly standard for a graduate engineer. Bonuses are not common
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Aug 2020
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
HP discount
Graduate, brisbane - 17 Sep 2020
Cheaper health insurance with Bupa
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Sep 2020
I get to travel a lot for work. When travelling, if we have the time, we are encouraged to explore the area after work hours. I was given the opportunity to travel to Timor-Leste, which is a place that I do not believe I would have traveled to if it weren't for work.
Graduate, Perth - 17 Sep 2020
Relocation expenses for WFH, weekly raffle, attendance to networking events.
Graduate, Sydney - 17 Sep 2020
Awesome breakfast bar, coffee machine, and fresh fruits
Graduate, Brisbane - 17 Sep 2020
Invitation to wildcats game once
Graduate, Perth - 17 Sep 2020
They have great healthcare benefits as well as benefits with some companies for purchasing cars.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2020
Paid annual leave
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2020
On the rare occasion we will have a job located in a regional area which requires an overnight stay in order to do a site inspection. For example, I spent 2 nights with a colleague in Portland, VIC for work, and that was pretty fun, and was a great chance to bond.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Aug 2020
Free valley parking on weekends and after work, incredible end of trip facilities. Peanut butter, Nutella, toast, almond milk and an espresso machine in the office. Crazy good views
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2020
There are no particular fiscal perks, however the work events are very good
Midlevel, Wollongong - 05 Aug 2020
Discounts for luxury cars, Uber account for meetings
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Aug 2020