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Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR)

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) Videos

APSJobs | The APS Employee Value Proposition

The Australian Public Service Employee Value Proposition provides a clear statement of what the Australian Public Service offers its employees. It has been developed to help position the APS as a model employer so it can attract, retain and develop the workforce it needs now and into the future.

A Day In The Life of A 'Graduate' Employee | Bella

"DESE is such an amazing place to work. There’s so many different opportunities and experiences to be gained” – Bella, 2020 Graduate

Sonia's Story | 2023 DESE Graduate Program

“I’m using my degree in so many ways. You never know where your expertise is needed and using your degree in ways that might not be considered traditional just gives you more opportunities.” - Sonia, 2021 graduate

Bolwen's Story | 2023 DESE Graduate Program

“The biggest thing I got out of the graduate program experience was the opportunity to try working in different areas of the department…this laid a great foundation in finding out what I was interested in pursuing in the long term.” – Bolwen, 2021 graduate

2024 DEWR Graduate Program

Hear from Jemma, Luka, Alwyn, Matthew, Ruby, Michael, 2022 Graduate Alumni. Learn about their experience and key highlights of the DEWR graduate program.