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DHL Supply Chain New Zealand

  • > 100,000 employees

Josh Saggers

Operations Graduate at DHL Supply Chain New Zealand

I’ve been lucky to be involved with a few different projects that allows me to get a broad sense of what the IT team gets up to as well as expose me to new things.

7.00 AM

I wake up to a drizzly rainy day, autumn is beginning to make its presence known!

8.00 AM

I jump in the car and head to our Mt Wellington office where the IT team is based. I’m in my final week of my IT rotation and despite not having a strong IT background I’ve found it super interesting. Seeing how such a crucial department works and what their day to day looks like is interesting.

8.30 AM

I arrive at work. I greet the team and check my emails before settling in for the day. I then attend the daily morning IT team meeting. This is an informal style meeting where the team members discuss what their day is going to be like. As the current grad in the team, I join in which makes you truly feel part of the team, even if you are only temporarily part of the team!

9.30 AM

After the meeting I start working on the projects I’m helping the team with. I’ve been lucky to be involved with a few different projects that allows me to get a broad sense of what the IT team gets up to as well as expose me to new things. One project I’m working on involves me working alongside the IT General Manager in analysing the data around some new automation opportunities for our warehouse operations. We also need to gather some data and plug it into some software to see if this automation will be a good fit at DHL Supply Chain.


12.00 PM

Lunch time! I make my way up to the break room where I grab a coffee and talk to some other team members from other departments over lunch. There is always a good conversation to have around here!


1.00 PM

I head back to the IT office and continue work on my projects. One of the cool things about the grad program here at DHL Supply Chain is that you will get involved in a wide number of varying projects and tasks as you move through the business.


3.30 PM

The IT team is having its monthly formal team meeting to discuss business updates, upcoming work, project updates and other important topics to ensure everyone on the team is on the same page. We also awarded the IT employee of the month and brainstormed ideas for a team BBQ.

4.30 PM

The meeting concludes, and I finish up for the day.

Thinking of experiencing life as a DHL Supply Chain New Zealand Graduate? Sign up to Prosple to receive job alerts for DHL Supply Chain New Zealand.