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DXC Technology New Zealand

  • > 100,000 employees

Erin Cory Wright

Associate Business Consultant at DXC Technology New Zealand

Bachelor of Sports Coaching and Development at University of Otago

With no two days being the same, DXC provides the freedom to find your niche and explore various avenues.

What is my job about?

My main role is customising SAP’s software and working through issues or challenges the customer are having. Additionally, I am assisting with some project management work, so organising and collaborating with 25 team members from DXC.

What’s your background?

My background is quite unique actually, I completed a double degree in commerce (majoring in Finance) and Science (majoring in Sports management and development).

Could someone with a different background do your job?

Looking at my background – absolutely, can’t express this enough! You just need to be willing to learn.

What’s the coolest thing about your job?

Going to the customer site to learn about their complex business processes and getting insights into their industries. Also being involved in a project is super fun as you get to know a variety of people across Australia and New Zealand.

Three pieces of advice

  • Step outside your comfort zone.
  • Never be afraid of asking questions (everyone is so happy to help).
  • Make an effort to go into the office as much as possible (helps with making connections).