After 2 years in graduate programme, you would go up to an associate. Then based on performance in associate, you can get hired as an senior associate then executive associate then can join the board members.
Graduate, Auckland - 15 Mar 2023
It isn't as clear as it could be as to what I need to do as a graduate to qualify for a promotion at the end of the program. However, on a broader level, it seems straight-forward and achievable.
Graduate, Auckland - 14 Mar 2023
After 2 years as a graduate, you have the possibility to be promoted to an Associate. From here, you can become a Senior associate. Then Executive associate. This is the highest level unless you buy shares and become a partner. As a associate you are running jobs, usually as an Engineers Representative. Here you organise and run site meetings, issue Contract instruction, send payment schedules out, Chair PCG meetings, organise PC documentation etc. As you become more senior (senior associate), you have more responsibility in terms of management in the team and company in terms of being Engineer to Contract on jobs, dealing with conflicts on jobs, ensuring company targets are met etc.
Graduate, Wellington - 13 Mar 2023
I am working towards getting a promotion to Associate level. I've been working closely with my senior to understand what I can further improve while I work towards this.
Graduate, Wellington - 13 Mar 2023