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Honeywell Australia and New Zealand

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Sai Durve

Graduate Software Engineer at Honeywell Australia and New Zealand

Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) at University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Today I am working on implementing a new feature, this means I am going to closely work with the UX (User Experience) team to get the design for the new feature and then code it accordingly on our frontend (where the user can see and interact with this feature).

6.30 AM

I try to give myself enough time to properly wake up before starting my day off at work. I grab myself a quick breakfast along with a cup of Chai – it is almost impossible to freshen up without it.

Luckily, Honeywell has a “dress for your day” policy. If I have no important in-person meetings, this means I can dress up in my comfy jeans and shirt and head out.

7.45 AM

My commute to work is about 45-60 minutes long. I take a train to train followed by a quick metro to North Ryde where the Honeywell Software Centre is. This is followed by a 10-15 minute walk to the office which I really enjoy a lot with some good music!

Honeywell Office

8.45 AM 

I get into the office, freshen up and get ready for about an hour of quiet work. I try and get my high priority tasks done during this hour. This generally involves wrapping up any incomplete tasks from the day before or making good progress before my team’s standup.

Today I am working on implementing a new feature, this means I am going to closely work with the UX (User Experience) team to get the design for the new feature and then code it accordingly on our frontend (where the user can see and interact with this feature).

Honeywell Graduate Sai Durve office desk
10.00 AM

In software, we follow something called the Agile methodology. This means we have a quick standup every day, where the team talks about:

  • what each member will work on during the day
  • if anyone is blocked by anything 
  • re-prioritising tasks accordingly

We have work in “sprints” which are 2-week intervals where we try to get certain tasks done and then review the items and retrospect at the end of the sprint.

12.00 PM 

Lunch! And probably the most fun part of the day. All the grads have lunch together in the lunchroom where chat or sometimes play card/board games! We have a variety of games in the office (including a pool and ping pong table!) and sometimes we bring the ones we have at home.

Honeywell lunch time games
2.30 PM

Given that there are no meetings, I try and give myself a small break around this time to freshen up! This generally just means going for a quick coffee run and chatting with some colleagues.

After this, I’m back to my desk for the rest of the day. A lot of the times, afternoons are reserved for meetings and discussions about the ongoing projects. 

Honeywell coffee machine
5.00 PM 

It is finally time to log off! Once a week, the grads try to organise a sport to play after work followed by a quick dinner. We have tried a quite a few different sports so far – bouldering, badminton, tennis, etc. Today was a badminton night – one of my favourites!

Honeywell Graduate Sai Durve playing badminton
7.30 PM 

We played for a couple of hours until we are all out of energy and very hungry. So, we grabbed a quick dinner nearby. We all individually picked our meals and grabbed seats to have the food together.

After a long day, I head back home and find some time to relax – talk to friends and family and finally head to bed.