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KPMG Australia

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Gender Equality at KPMG Australia

Our work towards gender equality continues to focus on the representation of women in leadership.

We know the key to parity is to improve the number of women in leadership roles, so we’re investing in programs that develop female talent and leadership capability. 

Our Targeted talent programs – involve senior team members sponsoring future female leaders. This has run for more than five years and successfully developed hundreds of women leaders.

A Future Leaders program – was recently introduced to support the progress of up-and-coming females. ‘In her Hands” – our first junior women’s network that creates space for women to share experiences and challenges within the corporate environment. In her Hands allows women to find their voice, their tribe and their confidence in the value they bring to the firm.

Women in partnership target – we aim to have 40 percent women in partnership by 2025. In meeting this target, we strive for a 40:40:20 gender balance in partnership – 40% men, 40% women and 20% all genders (which can include men, women and non-binary people).

We have a longstanding commitment to gender equity and reducing the gender pay gap (GPG). Currently, our performance is: 

  • Employee gender pay gap – Our WGEA Employee Average Base Salary GPG is 10%. This is an improvement on last year, when our WGEA Employee Average Base Salary GPG was 10.5%. (Employee Average Base Salary GPG is the percentage difference between the average base salary of FTE male staff to the average base salary of FTE female staff.)
  • Partner gender pay gap – 13.16%.