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KPMG New Zealand

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Rose Hogg

Advisor at KPMG New Zealand

Bachelor of Science - Chemistry Honours Major (Honours) at Victoria University of Wellington

I enjoy meeting my clients in person as we get to know them on a more personal level, and I can gain a better understanding of how they work.

6.30 AM

In the mornings before work, I hit the gym. I enjoy doing a mix of group classes and strength training. Getting active in the morning is a great way to start the day as I feel really refreshed when I start doing work.


8.30 AM

As soon as I arrive to work, I head up to the Exchange and grab a coffee made by Eddie, our Barista. This is also a great opportunity to catch-up with my colleagues and find out what they did over the weekend. We also use this opportunity to discuss any work that’s coming up within our team, or any team events that are happening this week.

11.30 AM

As our office here in Wellington is in the CBD, most of our clients are within walking distance. I enjoy meeting my clients in person as we get to know them on a more personal level, and I can gain a better understanding of how they work. We have a mix of in-person and virtual meetings, and having that flexibility is great.


12.00 PM

After lunch I usually debrief with my colleagues following a client meeting. This gives us an opportunity to determine what our next steps are within our engagement with the client. My team and I do internal audit, so our meetings involve a discussion how effective a business’s governance, their levels of risk, and their degree of compliance with internal processes and legislation. The product of the engagement is typically a report, which includes our recommendations.


5.00 PM

After work, I either have netball or hang out with my mates. On this day, it was my mate’s birthday, so we went out to the fancy igloos on the waterfront. It was heaps of fun, and we were all so full from a three-course meal and a birthday cake!


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