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KPMG New Zealand

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Sam Pate

Advisor at KPMG New Zealand

Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Commerce at Victoria University of Wellington

I really appreciate the flexibility we have as it allows me to have a good work-life balance and have time to do the activities I enjoy.

7.30 AM

Wake up. As I’m not a morning person, this part can sometimes be a big struggle! I always try to get my clothes, workbag and gym bag packed the night before so I can sleep to the last possible minute before rushing to get out on time.

8.00 AM

Walk to the office. The morning walk usually takes about 25 minutes and is an important part of the day for me. I enjoy listening to music while I continue to properly wake up and the walk gives me a chance to think about how I’m going to approach the day.

8.30 AM

Arrive at the office. Finding a desk can be a challenge depending on how many people have come into the office (versus working at a client site or working from home). I’ll try to get one that overlooks the waterfront as the view is amazing! I’ll spend the first-hour checking and responding to my emails/messages as well as planning my day out and booking meetings.

9.30 AM

Catch up with the team. Whether it’s with the wider team or those involved in a specific engagement, we regularly meet and discuss how we are progressing with work. This usually includes an update of the tasks we’ve completed, jobs we must still complete and if any issues need to be addressed. I enjoy team catch-ups as it allows me to make sure I’m heading in the right direction with the work I’m doing and get support if I need it.


10.00 AM

Time to get my work done. This could look like a variety of things – meetings/interviews with clients, reviewing documents or brainstorming with other members of the team. Today I’m interviewing clients and for this, I like to jump in a soundproof booth so I can focus on the meeting and not get distracted by what’s going on around me.


12.30 PM

Lunch! I’ll usually prepare this the night before, so I don’t have to buy lunch – but we’ll still often go out for lunches as a team to celebrate milestones. Occasionally, we’ll do the 5-minute quiz in the local paper while we have lunch. There’s always one or two people doing the quiz with us who know every answer and can carry us.  

1.25 PM

Just enough time to check out the Love Island board before my 1:30 pm meeting. Working with such a diverse group of people means there is bound to be someone watching the same shows as you and there is always time for some banter.


1.30 PM

Client meeting. Our clients have come to the office and are ready for us to present our findings (issues) and observations to them. These meetings usually go smoothly as we have built a good relationship with the client and have kept them updated throughout the engagement.


2.30 PM

Time to re-energize. The client meeting went well, and the day has been productive but I’m starting to feel a bit tired. At this point, I’ll head down the road to the local dairy and get a sugar-free energy drink. As I never really got into coffee, this is the boost I need to finish of the day. The last two three hours are spent with caffeine in my system, headphones in my ears and getting through as much work as I can and preparing for the next day.


5.30 PM

Gym time. A lot of people in the office go to the gym - some in the morning, others during their lunch break and others after work. I appreciate the flexibility we have as it allows me to have a good work-life balance and have time to do the activities I enjoy. Gym time allows me to reflect on the day I’ve had and reset myself for the rest of the week.


8.30 PM

Get home, cook dinner and meal prep lunch for the next day. By the time this is done, and I’ve had a chance to watch some TV, it’s usually about 11 pm. Time to get some sleep!

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