Parents & Carers at Lane Neave NZ
Everyone should feel like they belong at Lane Neave, which prides itself on putting people at the very heart of the firm.
The Flexible Work and Work-Life Balance Policy was developed to support the implementation of flexible working arrangements; Flexible work-life balance is about effectively managing the juggling act between paid work and the other activities that are important to people such as time with family, participation in community activities, sporting pursuits, voluntary work, personal development, leisure, and recreation or just the flexibility of having time to attend appointments and to take care of oneself, family and friends.
This policy allows for the following.
- Flexi-hours – employees can select the work pattern that best suits his/her personal needs to allow for a better balance between work and family responsibilities.
- Flexi-location – employees can choose options of working from home, or another location outside of the workplace, on a part or full-time basis.
- Flexi-worksite – essentially hot-desking, to encourage collaboration across workgroups and teams.
- Flexi-career – provides options for a gradual return to work after parental or other leave – eg, sabbatical, work transition, phased return, job rotation.