I can ask to attend seminars and webinars if they relate to my area of work. We also have business development training and various lunch time seminars we can attend. There is also a lot of on the job training. i.e. you learn as you go and/or you watch how your superiors deal with certain situations. Skills I have developed through attending seminars etc. include advocacy, time management, business development etc.
Midlevel, Christchurch - 31 Oct 2019
Lunchtime seminars are helpful
Graduate, Christchurch - 24 Oct 2019
I can enrol into training once or twice a month and if there is any external courses I would like to attend, I ask my boss.
Graduate, Auckland - 15 Oct 2019
It is dependant on who you work for.
Graduate, Christchurch - 15 Oct 2019