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Lane Neave NZ

  • 100 - 500 employees

Working Hours at Lane Neave NZ

8.0 rating for Working Hours, based on 25 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
I am very lucky that I am only expected to work normal hours. I work 8:30AM-5:00PM every day and no one ever expects me to work late. One day I was working at 5:10PM and I was told to go home.
Intern, Christchurch - 28 Nov 2022
As interns, there is not a lot of flexibility with hours as we need supervision and training for wok. However, at more senior and established levels, there is room for more flexibility in work hours and arrangements.
Intern, Christchurch - 28 Nov 2022
The company is quite flexible but I do find there is stigma around requesting medical appointments.
Auckland - 28 Nov 2022
As a summer clerk I feel like our hours are great. I feel comfortable showing up at 8.15 and leaving between 5 and 5.30.
Intern, Auckland - 28 Nov 2022
Depends on the team and supervising Partner. Some Partners are more flexible than others; and it depends on the degree of trust you have with your Partner.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Nov 2022
Hard to tell as an intern. They seem very flexible with those who have children, when people need to go to dentist or doctors appointments etc. Younger lawyer's hours are quite fixed, which I do not mind.
Intern, Queenstown - 25 Nov 2022
My work hours are between 8:15am to 5pm. I like to come in a bit earlier to get myself ready for my day. But my team have allowed me to be flexible with my hours and adapt to when the team comes in which I really appreciate.
Intern, Christchurch - 23 Nov 2022
I have commitments after work that sometimes require me to leave early. Lane Neave have been supportive of this and allow me to 'make up' time throughout the week. I will also note that while many of my team stay past 5, they are always pushing me to head home at 5pm. They are supportive of me as a Summer Clerk and don't place any expectations on me to work longer hours than I am required/paid for.
Intern, Christchurch - 22 Nov 2022
I work 37.5 hours a week, Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm with one hour unpaid for lunch
Intern, Auckland - 21 Nov 2022
I work 8:30 until 5:00pm with an our lunch break. My company generally sticks to these hours but they are flexible if you would like to work earlier/ later or take a longer lunch.
Graduate, Christchurch - 21 Nov 2022
When it gets busy you need to work long hours.
Graduate, Auckland - 21 Nov 2022
Very flexible re when the work is done, but can be long hours sometimes.
Midlevel, Christchurch - 07 Nov 2022
I generally start between 8 and 8.45, but most often around 8.30pm. I often end between 5 and 6pm. In my previous team in Christchurch the hours were definitely longer. I am not sure what is meant by flexibility or if I can really comment on this as I haven't asked about working flexibly. I think where everything is so partner directed there is a need to work to meet this. Where there is nowhere in the Wellington office to sit and eat lunch I think this contributes to people working through lunch and not taking breaks.
Graduate, Wellington - 21 Oct 2022
My workload is quite manageable and I haven't been pressured to work excessive hours.
Midlevel, Wellington - 21 Oct 2022
I have been working the hours that I expected to work - for a long time I was working my normal contracted hours of 8.30am-5pm which was lovely. I am now doing bigger hours, but that is expected and I am ok with it. Feels like I am really contributing to the firm.
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2022
Standard work hours but very flexible when it comes to taking leave/ working from home etc.
Graduate, Queenstown - 17 Oct 2022
They are pretty flexible.
Midlevel, Christchurch - 31 Oct 2019
Quite flexible - will be able to leave around 6 most days unless there is urgent work that needs to be done past that time.
Graduate, Auckland - 29 Oct 2019
The firm and my team is flexible about working from home if needed and working at home after hours when needed. The amount of hours that might be needed is varied depending on workload and deadlines.
Graduate, Christchurch - 24 Oct 2019
Highly flexible. I hardly ever work late hours (maybe half a dozen times in the last year and a half). My boss is open to me working from home when I need to.
Graduate, Auckland - 15 Oct 2019