Protégé Developer at MYOB
Bachelor of Computer Science at Monash University
Melbourne’s been going in and out of lockdown and I haven’t had the chance to take photos of our cool Richmond office, so all photos are from WFH
7.00 AM
I usually take public transport but sometimes I’ll get up a bit earlier for a 27km bike commute. If I’m working from home, I snooze until 8.30.
7.30 AM
Catch the bus to the station and then a train to work. I usually read an e-book or listen to a podcast during my commute.
8.45 AM
Arrive at work, take a shower if I need to, and grab a hot chocolate if I’m feeling like it. At MYOB there isn’t really a strict seating arrangement, so I can sit wherever I choose and maybe talk to the people in teams around me. I usually start my day with some coding challenge or typing test to get into the mood for thinking and typing.
9.30 AM
First meeting of the day is my team’s daily stand up, we chat about anything interesting that has come up, what we did yesterday, and what we are planning on working on today. My team is split between 3 locations, Melbourne, Auckland, and Sydney, so it’s nice to be able to catch up with the others not physically close to us. We order ourselves everyday based on a different category like our favourite ice-cream flavour, our phone’s battery percentage, or even our feet size, so we’re always learning something about each other.
10.00 AM
I get into my objectives for the day, sometimes working on a coding kata, sometimes watching learning videos, and sometimes reading useful articles, but usually all at the same time.
12.00 PM
Lunchtime! I usually bring my own lunch I made the night before but sometimes I’ll walk over to a nearby café or food truck across the road if I forget. If I’m at the office I’m usually sitting in the kitchen with others, sometimes playing board games – which we have a lot of at the office, or I might be playing Pool or doing a quiz with my team, and if I’m at home I’ll go out for a walk or play a few games of 5-minute Chess.
1.00 PM
I meet with my mentors to discuss what I have, want, and should learn. My mentors give me great feedback and lots of resources of where to go next. I get to learn a lot not just about software development but also more about MYOB as a company, the teams and the products we work on. Sometimes my mentors will introduce me or point me toward specific people to direct my questions to which helps me be more a ‘part of’ MYOB.
2.00 PM
I get back into what I’m working on today with the feedback in mind and maybe some new goals. At least once a week I make an effort to pair with someone on something we both want to learn.
5.00 PM
MYOB is big on work-life balance; I’ve even had my head tell me not to stay too late and go home at 4! So, I usually finish up around 5 and begin my trip home. Before work the next day I’ll do some exercise, catch up with friends, do whatever I want in my free time, and prepare my food for tomorrow.