Marketing Specialist in Field Services at Schneider Electric Australia & New Zealand
Bachelor of Commerce - Bachelor of Media at University of New South Wales (UNSW)
What's your job about?
Schneider Electric is a company at the forefront of energy technology solutions, hardware and software that allow for automation and efficient management. My areas of responsibility fall into the Field Services area of the business.
I love the work that I am doing! I am currently running my own project that’s related to our ECOFIT modernisation workshop in Brisbane where I am tasked with executing a customer event. This involves organising event details to creating the strategy for marketing. I went on my first business trip to the Brisbane office to find out more information about the workshop. I am also providing support for our marketing campaign called Breaker for Breakfast that we are currently running to find the oldest circuit breaker in Australia. Another interesting project I was able to complete was shoot a time-lapse video of our Field Service Technicians completing a retrofit of a circuit breaker out on a customer site.
What's the coolest thing about your job?
The coolest thing about my job is the ability to explore my passions outside of my direct responsibilities. I am able to be involved in the Women in Schneider group and the Schneider Electric Foundation. The one thing I love is the fact that I have been given real responsibility for the projects I have been assigned to do but I still have the support to be able to complete my work effectively as a new hire.
What are the limitations of your job?
Compared to uni where you have more freedom, full-time work comes with more responsibility and a lot less flexibility with your time. The good thing about Schneider is that I have been able to work from home and accommodate my work schedule if I have any appointments or personal commitments. As a full-time employee, you need to be prepared to be “on” all the time – being able to focus on work for 7 hours a day, the commute between home and work and then everything else such as the gym and your social life. That’s the hardest thing I’ve struggled with so far.
3 pieces of advice for yourself when you were a student...
Definitely try and complete paid internships and work experience in areas that you are interested in, to make sure you are able to figure out where you want to go after you graduate.
Make the most of your time at uni and travel as much as you can – I tell this to everyone!!
Finally, sometimes things don’t go the way that you want them to but always keep your eye on the prize because there is always a way to get to where you want. The one thing that I have learnt is that everything happens for a reason and you will have to make sacrifices, but with hard work you can achieve what you set your mind to.