There was a lot of online platform training. There are a lot of resources for you to refer to, however, I would still say you learn as you go / on the job. Apart from technical training, the Grad team also ensures that grads get training on how to navigate corporate life - performance reviews, change / grief curve.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Sep 2024
Limited training has been provided so far, both internally on site and from the graduate program itself. It is difficult for the graduate program because the graduates are scattered across many sites.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Aug 2024
There is an extensive internal training platform which is perfect for new starters, I have been granted permissions and funding to persue external trainining to further develop in my own career
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Aug 2024
There's a platform to do formal training like prerecorded videos. However, you learn way more while applying the skills on a project.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Aug 2024
Informal training is excellent with the team very open to providing help and feedback. Formal training is monotonous and long and graduate specific trainings have been confusing with transparency lacking
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Aug 2024
Some formal trainings for various software products are good. good trainers. onboarding and self paced training material isnt good
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Aug 2024
The training and development is a real strength at Schneider. Not only are there mandatory trainings, but also a library of 1000s of videos and guides on how to master any topic, skill or platform you need. There are often excel or other software trainings sent to the team for upgrading your digital skills. The on the job training is also strong, as you will be working closely to knowledgeable managers and team members to complete projects.
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
Informal training - people who are training are usually very well informed and helpful. Friendly and patient leaders are typical.
Formal training - large array of company-affiliated training. lots of career-advancing opportunities available through the training system
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Aug 2024
Training has been a bit of a roller coaster. The Schneider Electric based training is conducted virtually at your own pace when you first join. Within the Cybersecurity team we are privileged to receive plenty of free training courses from our Technology Partners, however once fees are required to complete additional training courses, I have struggled to receive approval from above to complete the training.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Aug 2024
No proper onboarding. Again this is manager dependent. Some can provide resources and happy to chat to you. It is very much motivated by you to meet others within the business and learn on the job.
Some managers do not have a clue with what to do from a training/onboarding perspective when joining a new role/team. Or there is no official onboarding process.
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
A lot of training to go through, covering a diversity of areas.
Graduate, Sydney - 23 Aug 2024
The formal training has been put together so well, it was no trouble at all to complete. I also spent a lot of time doing my own informal training for the softwares we use, and it was easy to access and use.
Graduate, Sydney - 22 Aug 2024
Mostly this consisted of online training courses that were about as engaging as one could expect. I've also picked up a few new skills in data management as a part of the job.
Graduate, Brisbane - 21 Aug 2024
My day-to-day and reporting manager is fantastic at training me with all the marketing communications skills required to carry out my role. I obtain skills that are transversal and can be applied to my future roles and positions.
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Aug 2024
Formal training is great if you want to learn the basics, but it can be dry sometimes. On the job training is the best way to learn and you can ask more targeted questions to your peers when you're actually doing your job.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Oct 2023
Formal training is great if you want to learn the basics, but it can be dry sometimes. On the job training is the best way to learn and you can ask more targeted questions to your peers when you're actually doing your job.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Oct 2023
we have online learning courses about SE essentiials (trust, cybersecurity, ergonomics, etc.) and job specific products/software. If needed, we go to third party for example like completing training for white card.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Oct 2023
we have online learning courses about SE essentiials (trust, cybersecurity, ergonomics, etc.) and job specific products/software. If needed, we go to third party for example like completing training for white card.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Oct 2023
The training internally is good, there is plenty of modules to complete, in order to upskill in what you need.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Oct 2023
Training and development is a core value of the company, and training hours are implemented into my work week, the company is great in terms of skill development
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Oct 2023