Updating Results

Simpson Grierson

  • 100 - 500 employees

Parents & Carers at Simpson Grierson

SG Parents Network -This is a social community of SG parents, parents-to-be, or those wanting to become parents, to share tips, advice and resources

Our parental leave policy provides employees a top-up to full pay for the first 26 weeks of primary carer leave, or up to 12 weeks’ full pay for primary carer leave taken after the first 26 weeks. 

Anyone taking primary carer leave will be entitled to:

  • Receive the employer KiwiSaver contribution for the duration of their parental leave.
  • Choose to receive any Simpson Grierson Parental Payment while on parental leave
  • Have annual leave paid at the greater of your ordinary weekly pay or average weekly earning 

We offer return-to-work coaches for anyone returning form parental leave.