Updating Results

Simpson Grierson

  • 100 - 500 employees

Diversity at Simpson Grierson

7.0 rating for Diversity, based on 7 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
We have a diversity and inclusion committee, they prepare internal policies and goals for the firm. We also have a Women and Allies committee, a Simpson Queerson committee, and more. We have generous maternity leave policies and staff tend to stay for many years.
Graduate, Auckland - 28 Feb 2023
They are getting there, have great groups, and a new parental leave policy. Tehre is a lot of work to do, but they really do seem to be trying.
Midlevel, Auckland - 27 Feb 2023
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
Spending a lot of effort recruiting summer clerks and graduates not just from Auckland universities
Graduate, Auckland - 28 Feb 2023