Updating Results

Simpson Grierson

  • 100 - 500 employees

Working Hours at Simpson Grierson

8.6 rating for Working Hours, based on 7 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
The company is very flexible with hours, although to an extent it does depend on the team you end up in. I am in a team that has a great working from home and flexible working environment.
Midlevel, Wellington - 01 Mar 2023
I have been working regular business hours since I started and the firm is very flexible if you need to attend appointments during work hours or work from home.
Graduate, Wellington - 28 Feb 2023
I generally work my contracted hours, with sometimes a little extra. The company is very flexible with hours, if you need to work around appointments or work from days then you absolutely can.
Graduate, Auckland - 28 Feb 2023
Hours ebb and flow
Midlevel, Auckland - 28 Feb 2023
It varies team to team. Within my team, it is VERY flexible and they are very understanding. We are a busy team though, so we do smetimes put in some long hours.
Midlevel, Auckland - 27 Feb 2023
Very flexible. Give an take, if you are very busy one day, you can do appointments another
Midlevel, Wellington - 27 Feb 2023