Intern at Theta
Master of Software Development at Victoria University of Wellington
7.00 AM
Get up, have breakfast, and do the day’s Wordle over my morning cup of coffee!
8.30 AM
Walk to work if I am working in the office that day or fire up my laptop if I’m working from home.
9.00 AM
I’ll check if I have any important emails and take time to reply to those that need them. Depending on the day, I’ll have a catch up over teams or in person with my manager and teammates. If we are in the middle of a project I’ll update them on my progress with work, and we will discuss the timing for meeting deadlines.
10.00 AM – 12.00 PM
Usually spent programming, likely sharing screens with a teammate as we work on code together.
12.00 PM
Lunchtime! I’ll take this chance to get a quick stroll in, either around my neighbourhood at home or around the city.
1.00 PM
Back to work, but coffee first! At this point will probably have a check-in with my manager or whoever is supervising me for that day, to get pointers and have my code reviewed.
2.00 - 4.30 PM
Pair programming with a teammate again, further working on the day’s tasks. What this looks like can range depending on the codebase we are working on, but in the current project, a lot of it now is independently writing new code. We may message senior members of the team for help if we get stuck.
4.30 PM
At this point, will likely check in with our manager again, to see where we are all at. This will include a run-through of the day and looking forward to what the next day will involve.
5.30 PM
At this point, I will finish up the day by writing in my daily logs for meeting my university requirements, and work on any other unit-specific work. Then, I’ll finish up and walk home if working from the office. Otherwise, I’ll turn off my work laptop, and switch it off for the day.
6.30 PM
I will typically make dinner, get some exercise in, and spend my evenings reading!