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Caitlin Welsh

Graduate Engineer at Visy

Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) Honours at The University of Queensland (UQ)

I have a dynamic/ever-changing work schedule. During my rotation with the National Technical team, some of the major projects I have been involved with include Colour Rationalisation, Starch Kitchen Video and Artwork Specifications.

5.50 AM

It’s cold, it’s dark – why did I suggest that I wanted to start work everyday at 7.00 am? I roll out of bed, leaving my cozy sheets behind. Through my morning daze, I remember how stoked I was about the flexibility Visy offered me – allowing me to manage my own work hours, trusting that I would deliver. You know, I think the early mornings are worth it – allowing me to keep my work-life balance, avoid peak hour traffic and utilise my whole day!

7.00 AM

My work day begins. Every day is a bit different for me – challenges and diversity in my work are something I consider important.

I work in an open-plan office, with a view that overlooks the factory. Generally, I start my morning looking through (and responding to) my emails and checking my calendar. Depending on the content of the email, I either follow my day plan (set the day before) or my day is determined by business critical email content.

Visy - Caitlin Welsh - checking of emails

(I realise my right screen is blank, I promise it’s usually turned on and filled with work…)

9.00 AM

My team engages in weekly catch-ups. We use this time to touch base and update each other on what we’ve been up to throughout the week.

Visy - Caitlin Welsh - catch-ups

I have a dynamic/ever-changing work schedule. During my rotation with the National Technical team, some of the major projects I have been involved with include:

Colour Rationalisation

Conducting data analysis on the colours used across the Visy Board sites

Starch Kitchen Video

Working with the equipment supplier to understand the maintenance procedures of the kitchen and compiling an educational video for the sites.

Artwork Specifications

Developing an understanding of the printing capabilities of our equipment and creating documentation to convey this to customers and artwork designers.

12.00 PM

Lunch time provides me with the perfect opportunity to unwind and catch up with my colleagues or get some me time out in the sun on the grass around the factory.

Visy - Caitlin Welsh - lunch

12.30 PM

Generally, I spend the rest of my afternoon continuing to work on my various projects and planning for the next day. My current rotation doesn’t see me out in the factory too often, I predominantly spend time at my desk working away on projects. If I get restless though, a quick stroll through the factory can help me to refocus.

Visy - Caitlin Welsh - project

3.00 PM

It’s home time. Finishing up at 3.00 pm lets me avoid traffic and get home with plenty of time to do non-work-related things such as cooking, spending time with my birds or being out in my garden.

6.00 PM

Keeping a work-life balance is very important to me. Depending on the day, I spend my evenings either playing volleyball, training for AFL umpiring, catching up with friends or catching up on my time.

10.00 PM

Time to get ready for bed and prepare for the next day.

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