My working hours are flexible and have the option to work from home. Everyone is extremely helpful when helping me out in difficult situations, regardless of ranking.
Graduate, Brisbane - 18 May 2022
Culture is okay with an open and friendly environment.
Graduate, Brisbane - 16 May 2022
Very different depending on the division, can be great can be bad. My old role had a toxic culture, no collaberation, expectations of being contactable after hours and staying late. My current role does not have a toxic culture, and is more collaborative and friendly
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 May 2022
Very lovely team, this has been the case throughout all locations and thus throughout each site, team and department. Hierarchy is structured but those higher up have full intentions to provide you with many skills and to help and guide each individual
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 May 2022
Great culture, inviting and inclusive
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 May 2022