I usually start working from 7am-3pm but its flexible. There is no time clock system.
Graduate, Brisbane - 18 May 2022
My supervisors are very flexible with my hours (if I need to start at different times). Most of my work can be done at whatever time so my working hours are not strict. I get in early to have a few hours of the office to myself with the benefit of being able to catch up with my colleagues when they get in a bit later.
Graduate, Brisbane - 16 May 2022
I work 8-4, with some but not lots of flexibility.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 May 2022
Hours are dependent on individual managers, some are flexible others are not. Work from home arrangements, likewise depend on the specific manager
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 May 2022
9-5. Can work from home if required
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 May 2022
Depending on role and it's requirements, very flexible.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 May 2022
Very flexible. In the position I am in I am able to work 40 hours a week, but the start and finish times are decided by myself.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 May 2022