Updating Results

NZ Transport Agency - Waka Kotahi

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Career Prospects at NZ Transport Agency - Waka Kotahi

7.7 rating for Career Prospects, based on 25 reviews
Please tell us about promotion possibilities and fill us in on what it takes to move up the ranks.
I think the experience that I have gained will be invaluable for future opportunities I may receive in and out of the organisation. However promotion and career opportunities depends on what is available at the time, and that depends on what the government of the day is. However, NZTA is a large organisation and there is a wide variety of roles you can undertake, which means you can get a wide variety of experience while honing the skills that you consider your strongest.
Graduate, Wellington - 12 Sep 2024
In the program, you gain experience in 3 different teams (8 month rotations). Each rotation, there is opportunity for a pay increase. After the 2-year program, you gain a position in the organisation in a team. There is the opportunity to move from advisor, to senior advisor, to principle advisor, team lead, manager etc. over time.
Graduate, Christchurch - 10 Sep 2024
Salary progression is on the good side of standard through the programme. The organisation does appear to look internally for positions, but I am unsure what it requires specifically to progress through the ranks.
Graduate, Christchurch - 10 Sep 2024
As a graduate, goals are set between discussions with your team leader and yourself. Your progress towards completing these goals are individually rated on a scale of 1-5 at the mid-rotation and end-of-rotation. Steps towards completing your goals can be discussed with your team leader and what they want you to do to work on it/yourself. Ensuring that your average rating of goals is at least a 3 will ensure a pay raise until the end of graduate program. This happens 3 times over two years. From there on, progression is based on making sure you meet your KPIs and take opportunities during re-structures within the company.
Graduate, Auckland - 09 Sep 2024
Very excited about the promotion opportunities at NZTA. The Emerging Professionals programme means that we finish our rotations with a guaranteed role in the organisation. I hope to be placed in an area of interest and then take part in the formal goal-oriented evaluation process to have my accomplishments and learnings noted, leading to my advancement in the company.
Graduate, Auckland - 06 Sep 2024
Seems good options, lots of teams in organisations, and work with a lot of clients if I really wanted to go down that route.
Graduate, Christchurch - 04 Sep 2024
So far I can see a path to growing my career in the organisation as a Project Manager. I have to admit that I am taking a lot of initiative to do so myself by being proactive and making strides to develop my career towards what I want to become.
Graduate, Christchurch - 04 Sep 2024
I know there are great opportunities to grow in the organisation and there are so many avenues to explore due to being in this graduate programme.
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Dec 2022
After we finish in the grad programme, we will get offered a permanent role which is a promotion of sorts.
Graduate, Auckland - 18 Oct 2022
I can tell there is space here for career progression and after my 2 years, I will be offered a place in one of my rotation teams to work.
Graduate, Auckland - 01 Apr 2022
After our two year grad programme, we are guaranteed a permanent role.
Midlevel, Auckland - 01 Apr 2022
Great internal hiring
Graduate, Wellington - 22 Mar 2022