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NZ Transport Agency - Waka Kotahi

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at NZ Transport Agency - Waka Kotahi

7.5 rating for Recruitment, based on 22 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
For the graduate program, there were a lot of steps - application, online one-way interview, psychometric testing, online two-way interview, group assessment, profile creation. It was quite tiring and stress inducing since you didn't know whether or not you would progress to the next stage and you would stress about this. At the same time, I was interviewing for other organisations and in my final year of study, which heightened the stress I was experiencing. I have recommended a more condensed recruitment process.
Graduate, Wellington - 12 Sep 2024
Psychometric (game based) testing, video recordings, group assessment centre (online), two-on-one interview (online)
Graduate, Wellington - 10 Sep 2024
I went through a 4-stage process: application, psychometric testing, video interview (filming yourself answering questions), and the final interview (1 on 2/3 person interview and a group exercise). This all took a few months and the organisation were good to get back to us by the time frames given. They used our feedback to help make changes to the following interview process, which is good.
Graduate, Christchurch - 10 Sep 2024
Reasonably standard process: (CV/cover letter, online video interview, psychometric assessments, and finally an online interview and assessment center).
Graduate, Christchurch - 10 Sep 2024
The interview process consisted of typically applying a cover sheet along with your CV which then moved onto stage two which was similar to a personality test. The next stage was then either a one-way interview which then lead into an assessment center which included a group exercise and a two on one interview.
Graduate, Auckland - 09 Sep 2024
Very straightforward. We spent half a day doing a team interview which was interesting. I find interviews to be more challenging online, so that added a little to the stress of the event.
Graduate, Auckland - 06 Sep 2024
Required an initial application, one way video interview, psychometric testing and interview (with group activity attached). all process online, none in-person. Thought the process was too long, psychometric testing gave weird answers and not sure how all these parts fed into the application process.
Graduate, Christchurch - 04 Sep 2024
The process was very fluid, informative and engaging. We were communicated with on a regular basis and the assessment and interviews were very enjoyable.
Graduate, Christchurch - 04 Sep 2024
Thorough and structured.
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Dec 2022
The hiring process consisted of some online assessments followed by a pre-recorded interview and an opportunity to record a presentation on a topic I was interested in. The final step was a Teams (online) interview.
Graduate, Wellington - 10 Dec 2022
There is the initial application, one way interview, psychometric testing then an interview with potential host managers.
Graduate, Auckland - 18 Oct 2022
A mixture of virtual interviews and psychometric assessments.
Graduate, Wellington - 11 Oct 2022
There were quite a lot of steps that I had to take and it was a little overwhelming, but for me the process felt quite swift.
Graduate, Wellington - 05 Apr 2022
It was relatively as expected for a graduate programme, however giving extra work having to create and deliver a one-way presentation.
Graduate, Christchurch - 01 Apr 2022
After submitting my CV and Cover Letter, I went through many different assessments, such as a psychometric test, a one-way interview where you record and submit answers and an interview conducted online.
Graduate, Auckland - 01 Apr 2022
After sending in a CV and optional cover letter, we had a one-way video interview where we had to film ourselves giving answer. After that, we were asked to give a 5 minute video presentation about a transport-related issue that we chose from a list. Following the presentation, we did game-based psychometric testing before a Teams interview with a couple of managers
Midlevel, Auckland - 01 Apr 2022
Gamified assessment, video interview, panel interview
Graduate, Wellington - 22 Mar 2022
This happened in 2020 during COVID so the process is different. 1. Personality Test 2. One-way recorded Interview with set questions 3. Second interview with two technical leaders 4. Reference Check, Criminal Check 5. Offer
Graduate, Auckland - 22 Mar 2022
3 way interview with the direct manager of the team and another senior procurement manager. The interviewers provided a relaxed environment that made it a lot easier to answer their questions.
Midlevel, Auckland - 14 Mar 2022
Pretty lengthy but good
Graduate, Auckland - 04 Jan 2022
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Tell us about yourself. Why do you want to work at NZTA? What is an example of conflcit you have experienced, and how did you overcome it? What is an example of a situation where you made a mistake? How did you learn from it? What does Te Tiriti mean to you?
Graduate, Wellington - 12 Sep 2024
Questions about competencies, skills (including soft skills), experience, the Treaty of Waitangi etc.
Graduate, Wellington - 10 Sep 2024
I was asked a lot of behavioural and situational questions e.g. tell us a time when you had to deal with stress?
Graduate, Christchurch - 10 Sep 2024
Standard competency based questions, alongside a few relating to my understanding of Te Tiriti and my views on and experience with Te reo Maori.
Graduate, Christchurch - 10 Sep 2024
Questions regarding my knowledge around the treaty of Waitangi and some basic questions such as what are my strengths and weaknesses.
Graduate, Auckland - 09 Sep 2024
We were asked about our experience at university, our knowledge of Te Reo Maori, and our particular interests about NZTA Waka Kotahi. We also engaged in some team activities, working together to solve an imaginary issue.
Graduate, Auckland - 06 Sep 2024
Asked to introduce ourselves, background and expertise, about instances we dealt with Maori partnerships, working in teams and dealing with challenges.
Graduate, Christchurch - 04 Sep 2024
The interview questions were mainly open-ended, with some close-ended questions, and mainly revolved around gauging my character, work ethic, culture, work experience,skills, goals, and passions.
Graduate, Christchurch - 04 Sep 2024
Job-specific questions weren't targeted I thought as they don't expect us to have a wealth of experience given most of us have just left university.
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Dec 2022
Sorry I can't remember a lot of them.
Graduate, Wellington - 05 Apr 2022
Cannot remember
Graduate, Christchurch - 01 Apr 2022
The psychometric test was a gamified way to understand your behaviours and attributes. The interview was fairly standard but included many questions about your ambitions and Waka Kotahi.
Graduate, Auckland - 01 Apr 2022
I was asked about how I had solved a complex issue at work, times where I have used my communications skills successfully. I was also asked what I would contribute to the programme.
Midlevel, Auckland - 01 Apr 2022
Can't remember but all behavioural based questions.
Graduate, Auckland - 22 Mar 2022
how would I work as a team, what my strengths and weakness were, what type of work was I involved in within the Emerging professionals programme, how would I promote change etc.
Midlevel, Auckland - 14 Mar 2022
Can't remember - There was a game quiz thing
Graduate, Auckland - 04 Jan 2022
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Be honest and true to yourself, people know when you're faking it, and you want people to know and accept you for who you are! Don't be too worried about grades, when you're working they can often have little impact on your actual ability to perform work to the necessary standard. At the group assessment stage, be vocal but not pushy. Don't boss people around. They are looking for your ability to uphold your opinion whilst being diplomatic, and working with other people to reach a joint objective. Don't get discouraged by the process. Stay up-to-date with transport-related news and think about it critically - what are all the moving parts? How can you help ensure that they function correctly, what changes would you make if you had a magic wand? Consider how much of an impact transport has in our day-to-day lives and our wellbeing. This will all help to develop your interest and passion in the kind of work NZTA undertakes.
Graduate, Wellington - 12 Sep 2024
Be genuine, think about how they want to be perceived by the interview (what kind of person do they want to come across as?)
Graduate, Wellington - 10 Sep 2024
Gain understanding of the organisation, what they do and how you align with that. Learn the organisations values and strategy, and how you align to that as well. Also, be yourself
Graduate, Christchurch - 10 Sep 2024
Be prepared to be put into a role-play environment with the other applicants where you are given a role in a business and you need to play your role out. Based on the importance of your role and the tasks required to be completed, take charge of what needs to be completed. Don't undermine others and put them on the spot with your role play though. Having a good background in Te Ao Maori would also be a huge bonus as the company is New-Zealand government based!
Graduate, Auckland - 09 Sep 2024
I would recommend that candidates prepare by learning about NZTA and identifying a few reasons or NZTA projects of interest. Confidence and emotional intelligence is key in group activities - sometimes your value isn't calculated on what you know, but how you share your views and involve others.
Graduate, Auckland - 06 Sep 2024
Told them the above: focus on competencies, dealing with challenges and teams and regard cultural competency.
Graduate, Christchurch - 04 Sep 2024
I recommend being prepared thoroughly as there are a lot of applicants you will be competing against. 100's apply but only 10-15 may get through. As a young graduate you may not have enough work experience, but what they will look at is your ability and capability to learn, grow and contribute. in simple terms, they want to have graduates who will work with the organisational goals and be efficient and effective members of the team.
Graduate, Christchurch - 04 Sep 2024
Be genuine and make sure the company values align with how you feel.
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Dec 2022
We work in a wide range of areas so interview questions are not specific to a subject area. It is more about your ability to work with others and be an effective team member.
Graduate, Wellington - 10 Dec 2022
Think of examples in your life/work where you have had to problem solve. Look at the Waka Kotahi values and think how you apply them in your life/work.
Graduate, Auckland - 18 Oct 2022
be confident and be happy and you'll ace it. Know a little about the company and what they do
Graduate, Wellington - 13 Oct 2022
Be yourself!
Graduate, Wellington - 11 Oct 2022
I would say look up some of the campaigns that are running, make sure to ask questions and be yourself. That sounds a little strange, but you want to feel comfortable and safe, you can't really do that while pretending to be what you think that they want. I'm not saying to show up in sweats and a hoodie, but make sure that your personality shines through
Graduate, Wellington - 05 Apr 2022
To be familiar with the company and their core values.
Graduate, Christchurch - 01 Apr 2022
Do your research on Waka Kotahi and make sure our values align with your values. Be formal but also show some of your personality to stand out from other candidates. Set goals and make plans for what you want to get out of the programme.
Graduate, Auckland - 01 Apr 2022
Research Waka Kotahi's values and see how you can link your experiences to these values. Be yourself, and tackle the recruitment process using your unique views and perspectives - you will be able to offer something that no one else can!
Midlevel, Auckland - 01 Apr 2022
Research what Waka Kotahi does, and prepare some experiences you can adapt to answer questions e.g. when was a time you were involved in conflict
Graduate, Wellington - 22 Mar 2022
Be yourself and prepare heaps of examples (academic or previous work experience)
Graduate, Auckland - 22 Mar 2022
learn about company and its key values. Answer questions and relate it back to Waka Kotahi key values.
Midlevel, Auckland - 14 Mar 2022
Actually do all the steps !! take the time and effort
Graduate, Auckland - 04 Jan 2022