Updating Results

Westpac Group

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees


2022 Finance & Accounting Grad at Westpac Group

Bachelor of Commerce at Macquarie University

What I love most about coming into the office is the face-to-face interaction that you have with your team which you don’t get in a WFH setting.

7.00 AM

I would love to say that I am a morning person and woke up in the early hours of the morning to go to the gym, but that usually never happens on days that I go into the office for work. It definitely is a goal that I am working toward… but just not today. Instead, I got out of bed and put on a new corporate outfit that I had just bought on the weekend, which is always super exciting! I grabbed a quick bite to eat for breakfast and walked to the bus stop to wait for the bus that would take me straight to Wynyard station.

8.45 AM

My bus arrives at Wynyard station, and I make a short walking trip to the Westpac office building at Kent Street where I get myself my usual piccolo with almond milk from the lobby café before heading up to the office which overlooks our beautiful city. I strategically choose a desk closest to the window and set up my workspace before checking my inbox and making a list of today’s work priorities.


10.00 AM

The financial controller of the current rotation I am in (Global Reporting) has called for an all-team meeting to discuss recent changes and improvements and I am super excited to sit in a fancy board room for the first time and listen in. Prior to this day, she had asked me to prepare and chair some icebreakers for the team before the formalities of the meeting, which means that I am up to speak first. I find these all-team meetings so interesting as it helps me to understand the bigger picture of the role of the team and how all the tasks and projects we are involved in fit into achieving the overarching goals.

11.00 AM

We finish up the meeting and head to the kitchen on our level for some morning tea. Just look how pretty the view is!


11.30 AM

What I love most about coming into the office is the face-to-face interaction that you have with your team, which you don’t get in a WFH setting.  A few colleagues and I are currently working on creating risk assessments and setting effective controls on various returns. Risk assessment templates have been created and we are working on deciding deadlines and assessment progress. We decide to set an online meeting within two weeks to check progress.

1.00 PM

It is finally lunchtime, and my team has decided to have lunch together today. So, of course, we take this opportunity to walk down to Barangaroo to choose a restaurant to eat at. I absolutely love this part of the city and I can never get over how excited I get to spend my days at work here. We finally choose a restaurant, and it looks like we are having Asian food today, which I never complain about!


2.00 PM

After lunch, we head back to the office and dive into some more work. I have a few month-end requirements that are due within the next few working days, so I am kept rather busy at my desk to meet all the deadlines ahead of time. I also hop in and out of a few online training sessions running through some changes to the software that we are to use. At some point during this, I also head back down to the lobby café to grab a second coffee as fuel for the remaining hours of the day.

4.00 PM

It is nearly the end of the day, which usually means that most of the hard work has been completed. I have set some time aside to meet with my team leader as part of our weekly catchup and we discuss how I am doing, any areas that I need help in and any upcoming projects and deadlines. After this, I check my inbox for the final time for the day and complete anything that is urgent before I finish up and prepare myself for the next working day.

5.30 PM

It’s finally home time! I make my way out of the building to catch the bus to the gym before I can wind down for the day.