Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders at Westpac Group
First Nations
Supporting reconciliation is an important part of our mission to help all Australians succeed. As Australia’s oldest company, and one of its largest, we have a responsibility to do what we can within our sphere of influence to work towards a better future.
Our approach to reconciliation is guided by the word Yindyamarra, from the language of the Wiradjuri nation. Yindyamarra means “go slow, show respect and listen, learn, take responsibility, and give honour”.
In our role as a provider of financial services, we aspire to Yindyamarra – to listen and build genuine relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customers, communities, and employees. We believe that this approach will help us to create the greatest impact.
Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to get an insight into the diverse opportunities in Westpac Institutional Bank.
University Indigenous Internships
Get practical experience and a jumpstart on your career pathway by joining us as a paid Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Intern.