Graduate Engineer Electrical at WSP New Zealand
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Electrical and Electronic Engineering Major at University of Canterbury
9.00 AM
I drive to work, which usually takes about 20 minutes.
9.20 AM
I park on a side street and walk through Hagley Park to the office. I always appreciate walking through the park on the way to the office, especially when the sun is out.
9.30 AM
I make myself a coffee in the office kitchen and begin planning out the day. Today I’ll be continuing lighting design for a mental health hospital.
12.00 PM
There was an office-provided lunch today. They were DIY Burgers. Yum!
12.15 PM
After a lunch break, I continue working on lighting design
3.00 PM
Today is Thursday, which means our Building Services Team have a short break with Tim Tams.
5.30 PM
I have finished work for the day! On Thursday evenings I have Taekwon-Do training after work. Today we’re working on power breaking.
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