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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
The thing I love most about this placement is my involvement, I get involved in all the tasks. The task I enjoy the most is Tendering & Contracts.

Navadeep Reddy

  • Day in the life

Nazish Zaman Khan

Once I’m at home, I try and switch off from work mode and spend time with my family.
  • Day in the life

Negar Kamyar

Negar Kamyar studied User Experience Design Immersive and is now a Graduate User Experience Designer at Honeywell.
  • Day in the life

Nehang Patel

Nehang Patel studied a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Auckland and is now a Consulting Development Analyst at Accenture.
  • Graduate stories
“Working culture disini sangat supportif, kerja sama antar divisi dengan divisi lainnya sangat baik.”

Nehemia Azarya Theodorick

  • Graduate stories
Technology at Coles is about both supporting existing technical systems as well as driving the business forward through technical innovation.

Nelson Rigby

  • Graduate stories
“Kultur kerja di Gojek itu bukan tipe yang kaku ataupun inklusif. Orang-orang di Gojek itu sangat terbuka untuk saling membantu untuk belajar dan berkembang”

Nethania Dinari Ramadhani

  • Graduate stories

Nicci Parker