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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Through the Graduate program, it feels great to work along with experienced engineers and know their thoughts and suggestions whenever I have queries.

Siddarth Gupta

  • Graduate stories

Siddarth Murali

  • Day in the life

Siddharth Tatikonda

Headed to my team’s presentation to the department covering the status of our accounts and what the rest of the year is shaping up to be for our clients.
  • Graduate stories
With the groundwork laid through the awesome training program, I was successfully able to progress my career and am now a senior engineer.

Simon Dawson

  • Day in the life


Sina is a Statistical and Data Analyst at StatsNZ.
  • Graduate stories
Hobbies not only help you to know more people but also help you with getting that much-needed downtime from academics.

Slesha Mishra

  • Day in the life

Smarika Mahat

I have a feature to be tested today which requires some plumbing to be done from the shield room to the shield box in the lab.
  • Graduate stories
Internships are very important as you get practical training. Studies would provide us with theoretical knowledge but applying it practically is completely different and equally important. A company would hire you based on your degree and the practical experience you gain during internships and part-time jobs.

Sneha Bansole