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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
My favorite part of my job is using my creativity to design visually appealing applications, using data we have created or that has been supplied to us.

Louis Worthington

  • Graduate stories
In the Tax team we have people who all have very different degrees and backgrounds! Some people have accounting degrees where many others in the team have science degrees or law degrees.

Maia Winiana

  • Day in the life

Nathan Wisse

Project management is a dynamic job where no two days are the same. Balancing multiple projects, liaising with clients, and ensuring everything runs smoothly requires flexibility, quick problem-solving, and effective communication.
  • Graduate stories
Nick Beattie studied a Master of Planning at Lincoln University and is now a Consultant, Environment and Planning at Aurecon.

Nick Beattie

  • Day in the life

Sarah Spice

Moved to Christchurch from London in February 2023 and started working at RCP in November after a short sabbatical, or gap year if you like.
  • Day in the life

Soltice Morrison

Soltice Morrison studied a Bachelor of Science with Honours at the University of Otago and a Graduate Research at Hokkaido University and is now a Senior Consultant, Land Infrastructure at Aurecon.
  • Day in the life

Tash Snowball-Kui

Commencing my day with coffee and a drive to the Palmerston North office, the dynamic nature of my role keeps me engaged!
  • Day in the life

Vatsal Gajjar

I like to get to work early as it means I can leave early and have more time to do the things I love after work! I generally get in the office around this time and go through my emails while I eat my breakfast- which is my overnight oats.