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Vatsal Gajjar

Graduate Engineer at Powerco

Bachelor of Engineering Honours at Auckland University of Technology

I like to get to work early as it means I can leave early and have more time to do the things I love after work! I generally get in the office around this time and go through my emails while I eat my breakfast- which is my overnight oats.

4.30 AM

It’s hard to do but somehow, I manage to wake up and I get ready for the gym.

5.00 AM

I get to the gym and depending on the day it’s either legs, chest, arms, back or shoulder. I usually like to start with some cardio, stretches and then into weight training.

6.15 AM

I get back to my flat and get ready to go to work.

7.00 AM

I like to get to work early as it means I can leave early and have more time to do the things I love after work! I generally get in the office around this time and go through my emails while I eat my breakfast- which is my overnight oats. Today’s emails mainly consisted of comments left by one of the engineers that were reviewing my report for a battery reliability project I am involved with.


9.00 AM

I had an update meeting talking about the battery monitoring project I am doing and what are the findings so far. In this meeting I discussed my net profit value (NPV) analysis and how I still needed more details which I am waiting for and some more guidance from other people to talk to was given to me.


Depending on the weather it’s time to stretch my legs and go for a walk around the block. Depending on who is free at that time we can have all the grads come for a walk or just a few. This is a great time to discuss issues or challenges we have with our projects or just have a good chat about things happening around the business.


10.00 AM

If we had gone for a walk I would have gotten back to my desk around this time and continued with my work. Today it is updating and fixing my report which had been reviewed earlier.

Stand desk

11.00 AM

Time to take a quick break and make a coffee from one of the kitchens we have.

12.00 PM

Time for lunch! Most days it’s leftovers from dinner or a sandwich that I made in the morning. Today it’s some leftovers from dinner, however sometimes I like to buy food from a bakery that’s about a 5min drive or from our amazing onsite café options. I also get to catch up with other graduates and we spend the time doing crosswords.


1.00 PM

Today there was a basic civil 101 session. This was a good session to be part of as it gave insight into what are some of the things substation engineers must think about during the design phase and what are some things that are discussed, and you should think about during the designing phase. There were interesting topics like design reports, importance levels, civil design, structural design, earthing, building consent, coordination, and fire. And how all this plays a role in design, location, and construction.

3.30 PM

I would generally go home around this time but today I had a team meeting that we have weekly. This was a short 30min meeting of updating everyone on what we have been working on and if we have any issues, it is a good time to bring it up so the team can help where possible.

4.00 PM

It’s home time!! I generally like to take my laptop and books with me because if something goes wrong like I get sick or am not able to make it to the office the next day I can still work from home.

5.00 PM

I have been at home for a while now, just relaxing and winding down from work. In Summer I would normally have cricket training in 30mins so I would be leaving for it now, but since the season just ended, I have some time to get my daily reading done early in the day. So, I would read for about an hour, I am into self-development and improving every day and currently I am reading a book called Relentless by Tim. S. Grover.


6.30 PM

Since I had no meals prepared for today, it’s time to cook! Today I am making some honey chicken and rice with soy sauce. I like to prepare meals in a batch for a few days, so it saves me time and allows me to relax a bit more. I will also use this time to make some overnight oats for the morning.

7.30 PM

After dinner and cleaning up and end my day by calling my family back in Auckland and then play some video games with some friends or watch a movie.

10.00 PM

After a quick shower it’s time for bed. Another early start tomorrow.

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