Updating Results

AECOM New Zealand

  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Working Hours at AECOM New Zealand

8.6 rating for Working Hours, based on 90 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
Very flexible on hours of work.
Graduate, Auckland - 20 Aug 2024
I can work any hours I want really as long as my manager knows where and when I am working. the non 10 comes from the occasional working over 40 hours a week. these are few and far between so it's not a large issue.
Graduate, Christchurch - 01 Aug 2024
Work hours are super flexible and allow me the opportunity to spend days working from home, saving hours on the commute weekly. Dependent on the team & manager your flexibility and work from home days may vary. My team is required on a Monday in the AECOM office, and I am required in the site office 3 days a week, giving me one WFH day. start and finish times are flexible as well as long as the hours fit in with the rest of the team's schedule and communication.
Graduate, Auckland - 30 Jul 2024
I have been able to balance my workload well, not often needing to work more than 8h in a day. If I do work more than 8h I take that time off another day so I have always been in the office for an average of 40h a week. If I need to take time off for personal commitments or work from home for some reason that isn't an issue at all. As long as I work 40h and get my work done there aren't any problems with when or how I do my hours
Graduate, Hamilton - 30 Jul 2024
The work hours are flexible, there is no set start time though most people show up between 7:00-9:00. If you need or want to leave early one day, you can make up the hours on other days through the week so you don't have to take leave. There are occasionally times where you'll have to work extra hours to meet deliverables.
Graduate, Hamilton - 30 Jul 2024
I work a second job so definitely utilize the flexibility of our working hours. It additionally makes life outside of work super easy to plan as you know there are no strict in office times as long as you get your hours done each week. Furthermore, if you or anyone else in our team is working later than expected someone else checks in on you and makes sure there aren't any issues going on.
Graduate, Hamilton - 30 Jul 2024
The company is flexible with work hours, but an 8:30-5 in the office everyday is encouraged. I would enjoy having enough security about what work to do to work from home with my family some days.
Graduate, Wellington - 30 Jul 2024
It is super flexible! Have to be in office at least 3 times a week and have the freedom to work from home twice a week. However, if there are circumstances where you need to work from home for more than 2 days it is super flexible! The company gives you a work from home kit so working from home isn't too different to working in office which is great for productivity levels!
Graduate, Auckland - 30 Jul 2024
you have minimum requirement per week. However, working time is flexible.
Graduate, Wellington - 12 Jul 2024
We are required to work 40 hours a week. How we do that is very flexible with the option to WFH. As long as your manager is aware of something a bit different to your usual 8 hours a day- you should be free to come and go when you like. It gets a bit hard when working with people overseas so your time zones have to match up for particular work/meetings but the fact that we get that exposure is also pretty cool
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Jul 2024
Very flexible hybrid working culture, I spend majority of my time in office and occasionally work from home.
Graduate, Wellington - 09 Jul 2024
We have our periods were we work more hours, as is the nature of working in a consultancy. Our company is super flexible on how these hours are worked, as long as it is ok with your manager and for your client, you can work how you need to. I myself have worked extra hours over a week and put them to my timesheet the following week when I want to take leave but not have to use leave pay. We have staff that are working with overseas clients and running large models, so they will shift their hours to meet these needs, and are supported by the business in doing so.
Graduate, Hamilton - 09 Jul 2024
The team tries to be as flexible possible, and when I have significant events that come up (i.e. funeral or university class) it tends to work out. Most times I work 40 hours a week, but when projects need more attention, the most hours I've done in a week is 48 hours.
Graduate, Hamilton - 09 Jul 2024
I work more hours than I would like to, but I am a very committed person to getting the job done so find it hard to personally balance. The company is flexible, but I feel a bit obliged not to work from home (only worked from home in the last year and half due to a significant injury). I travel 30km every day to work and try to leave before peak hour traffic so it doesn't take too long. But I am usually at work between 7:30am-8am and leave between 5-6pm.
Graduate, Wellington - 09 Jul 2024
I typically work 40 hours a week. I rarely have to work overtime. The company is very flexible and accommodating for personal needs and allowing work from home. I typically work from home once a week, and the rest in office.
Graduate, Hamilton - 09 Jul 2024
Flexible in terms of hours, can fit appointments and other commitments around our work hours if needed.
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Nov 2023
Most of the time I am doing 40 hours but certain deadlines in the past have required me to do overtime - including working in the weekends
Graduate, Auckland - 09 Nov 2023
Company is really flexible with work hours.
Graduate, Hamilton - 09 Nov 2023
Completely flexible, I am set up to work from home at my own discretion
Graduate, Christchurch - 09 Nov 2023
45-55hrs a week
Graduate, Wellington - 09 Nov 2023