Graduate Power System Engineer at Powerco
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Electrical and Electronic Engineering Major at University of Canterbury
5.00 AM
Sometimes work can be a bit challenging so most mornings, before work, I would go to the gym for around 90 minutes. This usually consists of 30 mins of cardio, 40 mins of weights, and 20 mins of stretches.
7.15 AM
Around this time I would go to the office. As today I’m the second to arrive, I won’t need to walk around turning on the lights. The first task is always to grab milk from the kitchen and have a weet-bix breakfast, often I will skim-read the emails.
8.00 AM
There were two tasks to do this morning, firstly I need to finish off a customer connection study. Since I completed all the modelling and bulk of the connection study write-up yesterday, it means that this morning I just need to write up the study’s conclusion, proofread and get the connection’s planner to do the final review.
Afterward my goal was to finalise the back-feed methodology for the Kapuni substation to isolate a portion of the 33kV and 11kV circuits of a proposed upgrade. This means today I had to simulate an outage area using PSS SINCAL and find ways to maintain full back to the rest of the network outside the outage area.
Just before 10 am, I was visited by one of the Taranaki project managers offering to take me on a site visit to one of my projects (MRA7 Feeder upgrade). Naturally, I agree! At the site, I met the contractors responsible for the project, and I felt some satisfaction my project was nearing completion.
11.30 AM
Personally, I start my lunch slightly earlier. This is done to avoid needing to join the microwave queue. Lunchtime is also the time to raid the fruit basket and chat with colleagues about what to do this weekend. As always, I proposed a half-day walk …… my colleagues weren’t as keen.
12.30 PM
Back to finishing off what I started this morning and by 2 pm I attended a meeting. The meeting was set up so that all the people involved in the Hospital project could sit together and go over a consultant's proposal.
After the meeting, it was time to respond back to all my remaining emails, get a glass of milk, and catch up with my mentor. Today we discussed the vector group and phase shifting as one of my other projects involves exploring the idea of using phase shift transformers to tie two 11kV networks operating 30 degrees apart.
4.30 PM
Normally on a weekday, after I get back home, I’ll have an early dinner, watch the news, and chill with flatmates, it’s time to hit the shower and sleep early as I always start early. However, it’s now Friday night aka “PUBG night”. After the news, I’ll hit shower and by 8:30 it's time to catch up with university mates and do several battle rounds on PUBG mobile.