Updating Results


  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Gender Equality at Powerco

In a traditionally male-dominated energy industry, Powerco is committed to growing the number of women throughout all areas of its operations. Advancing gender equality and developing female leaders is supported throughout Powerco, from the Board of Directors and Executive Management Team.

In the past year alone, the number of women in senior leadership roles has risen 11% to 43%. A total of 40% of Powerco’s employees are women, with 47% of new hires women.

Drawing on its GenderTick partnership, Powerco has actively grown a gender inclusive culture, flexible work (95% of employees have access) and leave provisions for all genders, balanced leadership representation and improved pay equity.

  • Developing its female leaders and recruiting from its internal talent pool, has seen Powerco fill both its electricity and gas operations executive leadership roles. Read how women are leading energy operations at Powerco.
  • Paid parental leave for partners has been introduced to tackle cultural norms behind traditional gender roles and the motherhood penalty that underpins the gender pay gap.
  • The overall gender pay gap for men and women doing similar work at Powerco has reduced, by growing the number of women in senior leadership roles and reducing the number of women earning less than $70,000 a year.

Bravely try new things. To accumulate experience in continuous attempts. Never be afraid and resist new things, because most likely you will have fun and find satisfaction in them.

Cecilia Fang, Graduate Electrical Engineer

What I enjoy are the opportunities to contribute to smooth operation and maintenance of the electrical network.

- Darrin Hillas, Graduate Electrical Engineer