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Jamie Oey

Assistant Project Manager at RCP

We also had a project spotlight segment today where we got to learn insights into the new Bell Gully fitout that was recently completed by the RCP Property Team. It is always cool to see other projects being undertaken in the office.

6.15 AM – Waking Up!

I woke up to my alarm at 6:15am and got ready for work, hitching a ride with Dad into the office. Leaving at 7:00 am from the shore means we get to beat most of the traffic which is definitely worth it.

7.30 AM – Arriving at Work

I got into the office around 7:30am and grabbed some breakfast - a banana from the fruit box! I started my morning by checking my emails and planning my day ahead. My current projects include a new Performing Arts Theatre at King’s School in Remuera and the new Waikato Hospital Renal Centre in Hamilton, so it is great to understand how I will prioritise my work across the two projects.

8.30 AM – Staff Meeting

With my day planned out, it was then time for the staff meeting in the breakout area. These fortnightly meetings are useful in gaining updates from the office. It includes introducing new staff members, raising environmental news, and even announcing “Legend of the Week.” We also had a project spotlight segment today where we got to learn insights into the new Bell Gully fitout that was recently completed by the RCP Property Team. It is always cool to see other projects being undertaken in the office.

9.00 AM – Quick Coffee Catch-up

After the meeting, some of the team decided to enjoy a quick coffee at Perch Café, located just downstairs. It was nice to catch up before diving into the workday.

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9.30 AM – PCG Report

With coffee had, it was now time to do some proper work. Every month, King’s has a Project Control Group (PCG) meeting that requires a comprehensive report to be written beforehand. With the meeting next week, Jacob and I started drafting the June report which summarises the month’s activities. It includes detailing design progress, identifying risks, and outlining upcoming activities. These PCGs are crucial for getting client direction and keeping them informed throughout the project journey.

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11.00 AM – Client Catch-Up Meeting

We then had a brief 30-minute catch-up with the client for King’s, reviewing the Construction Management Plan (CMP) and Site-Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) in preparation for upcoming pre-construction activities. We simply page-turned the reports together ensuring that everything was comprehensively covered before the contract was signed.

12.30 PM – Matariki Lunch

Lunch time! Although this is not the everyday norm, to celebrate Matariki, the Auckland office had a shared lunch. Starting with a Karakia, it was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the Māori New Year, socialise, and enjoy some delicious food.

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1.30 PM – Back to Work!

I now dedicated about an hour to issuing out Construction Instructions (CIs) for the Waikato project which is in the construction phase. CIs formally provide instructions to the contractor of any variations, ensuring clarity and helping to avoid misunderstandings and disputes. As these are quite time-consuming, I often draft these up for my colleague Chloe to ease her workload. Writing these up certainly helps broaden my construction knowledge.

3.00 PM – Risk Workshop Meeting

It was then time to facilitate a Risk Workshop meeting with the King’s Project team. As a team, we delved into project risks and discussed their consequence and possible mitigation. These regular risk workshops are important in understanding current risks that exist in the project and the way they are being managed and mitigated by risk owners.

4.30 PM – Snacks and Drinks Time!

Following the risk workshop, it was time to enjoy the office snacks that are provided every day in the office around 4pm. Since it was Thursday and just before a long weekend, we also indulged in some drinks, making it a perfect time to socialise. It also helps having a stunning view of the Auckland skyline from the office!

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5.30 PM – Heading Home

Finally, it was time to wrap up the day and head home. I caught a ride with my Dad again, who had also just finished work, saving me from taking the bus.

7.00 PM – Dinner and Drinks with Friends

Usually, I’d just chill for the night but to kickstart the long weekend, my friends and I organised dinner and drinks at Fantail and Turtle in Smales Farm where we enjoyed some pizzas over a couple cocktails.

10.00 PM – Bedtime

After a busy day, it was finally time to head to bed, ready for the long weekend ahead.


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