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  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Gender Equality at Transpower

With a 50/50 gender split at our leadership table, Transpower is walking the talk!

I’m very proud to be a part of the Champions for Change network. We’re trying to drive diversity with not just gender, but also Māori, Pacific Islanders and others,” Alison Andrew, Chief Executive. 

We measure and report our gender pay gap and are working hard to attract more women into our business. 

Gender remains a significant diversity issue for New Zealand organisations, particularly in the technical professions. This is a generational issue which is why Transpower is proud to support the Wonder Project, raising the profile of STEM in primary schools. 

In addition, we have generous parental leave and flexible working policies, and we are working with secondary and tertiary education providers to build our talent pool over time. 

Our Whakamana Wāhine and PowerParents communities are staff-led networks that provide support, and engage with the executive leadership team to target barriers to gender equality.